COVID-19 Related Safety Guidelines

SCCA Montana Region 105 COVID-19 Related Safety Guidelines

The following guidelines are provided to all attendees, volunteers, family members, and spectators. By attending our event, you agree to have read, understood, and agree to follow these.

Updated July 23rd, 2020

Regarding RMESTC in Helena and additional requirements.

MASKS will be required in group settings such as drivers/safety meetings and award ceremonies. MASKS will also be required for all vehicle occupants (including trailer) where non-same-household residents are in the same vehicle/trailer. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OWN MASKS

Please download and read the document below for our planning guide accepted by the Lewis and Clark County Health Department. This guide will be enforced.

Updated June 8th, 2020 (Regarding Montana Expo Park in Great Falls and other events hosted by Region 105)

The officers of SCCA Montana Region 105 strive to provide a safe environment for our members to participate in autocross.  COVID-19 has added another dimension.  As we do for other safety concerns, we have collected what we feel are the best practices to address these concerns from our national organization, & its 100+ regions, as well as input from health officials from other areas & the recommendations of facility owners & managers.  Additionally, we have included guidelines developed from our experience in conducting & participating in recent autocross events in Helena & Bozeman.

For use by all officials, participants, & spectators at SCCA -Montana Region 105 Events until further notice:

If you are sick, or symptomatic, stay home.  If you become sick or do not feel well after registering for the event, do not come – You will not be charged.

From arrival to departure, observe all distancing, sanitizing, & handwashing guidelines.  The restrooms (MEP) will be open. Porta-potties are available at RMESTC.  Hand sanitizer & disinfecting wipers will be available. 

Distancing will be required throughout the day, including during the mandatory safety/driver’s meeting.  The meeting will include our regular safety briefing & a reading of these guidelines.

Hand sanitizer & disinfectant will be available at the event for participant/worker/event official use.  Participants are highly encouraged to bring and wear masks, but these will not be provided by the club at the event.  Gloves are encouraged, but will not be provided.

Occupancy in the timing & equipment trailer will be limited to a maximum of 3 people.

Course walkers must maintain distance with no more than 5 people to a group.

Refrain from shaking hands, high-fives, fist bumps, & hugs, except with family members.

Registration & Check-in: Online Registration will be left open until the closing of check-in.  Drivers are highly encouraged to register on-line.  Those in line for check-in are required to keep 6-foot distancing.  Check-in officials will wear masks.  Check-in officials will not handle any driver documents.

Spectators: Montana Expo Park is requesting that all spectators (anyone who is not registered to participate in the event) park on the northwest side of the facility and remain in their vehicles. There is a limit of 50 spectators. If the facility desires that we not allow spectators, they will not be allowed.  We will update this section when we confirm the spectator requirements for SCCA

Ridealongs will be at the discretion of the driver and only registered drivers will be allowed to ride along with other drivers. Disinfection of touchpoints is recommended following each ridealong but will be the responsibility of the driver.  Passenger masks will be required by all riders who are not family members of the driver. 

Loaner helmet program: There will be no sharing of club-owned loaner helmets between drivers/riders during an event.  (i.e.  a helmet will be issued to one individual & is not to be used by any other individuals until it has been thoroughly disinfected.)

Vehicle Safety & Technical Inspections: Every vehicle entered in an event must have passed an inspection in the current calendar year by an SCCA affiliated region.  If alterations have been made since inspection that affects safety or classing, the vehicle must be re-inspected.  Drivers of cars that require inspections will be asked to conduct the inspection under the supervision of the event’s technical inspector.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own water.  Water will be provided, but will not be in a cooler.

A worker will be assigned to properly disinfect radios, flags, & other equipment used by course workers during worker shift-changes.

Club officer meetings will be held electronically (Zoom, etc.) at their normal interval until further notice.  Club member meetings will be held electronically as requested by members until Stage 2 reopening is announced.

Developed by SCCA Region 105, based on recommendations from SCCA National Office, SCCA Regions, & experience with running & participating in autocross events at Helena & Bozeman sites 5/2-3/2020, 5/9/2020, 5/16-17/2020, & 6/6-7/2020.

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